About Us

Welcome to Heavens' Coffee Store, where every cup tells a story! At our cozy corner, we blend passion and perfection to serve you the finest coffee experience. From the first sip to the last drop, indulge in the rich flavors and inviting aromas meticulously crafted by our expert baristas. Join us in celebrating the art of coffee in every cherished moment.

Our Products

Flat White

A newcomer in the coffee world that is increasing popular.


The cortado is relatively new in the world of coffee


The americano is so much more than a standard black coffee.


Deliciously sweet, nutty and chocolatey.


An espresso coffee drink, topped with a small amount of foamed milk to enable the espresso taste to shine through.

Iced Coffee

On a hot summer's day, is there anything better than sipping on an iced coffee?

"Embark on a sip of discovery with our newest coffee creation – a journey of flavors waiting to awaken your senses."

Our Team

Mary Waters

General Manager

Mark Danie

Chief Chef

Matthew Wes

Assistant Chef

Marion Steve


Brian Path

Table Attendant

Alice Kate

Order Guide

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